
Monday, November 19, 2012

Adventure of Ned And Ted Part 2

Last time on Adventure of Ned and Ted, they both went to the beach, ted saw a mermaid which he thought was good but bad. Then the mermaid captured him and turned him into a crystal, then Ned found a magic watch that could lead him to the mermaid's lair.

Suddenly Ned saw something glowing in the water it was a watch.

“Why is this watch glowing?” He thought to himself, unexpectedly the watch answered.

“Hi my name is Zing, I am here to help you find you brother.”

“How do you know that my brother is lost?” Ned Asked.

Zing Answered My master (Master Zeek) is from outer space he can see everything. My master, has sent me here to help you defeat the mermaids, in the last few years they have also captured some of my Master’s kind and turned them into crystle. Anyways put me on you hands and I will tell you what you need to do. He did and there were lots of different things on it and underneath each things there was a writing and it say how to use it.

Another writing at the top, it says “touch to use it.” There was a magic sword which would defeat the crystals and free the people, there was a tablet, if you would eat it you would be able to breath underwater, there was another sword that could defeat the mermaids, last but not least there was a map to the mermaid's lair.

He ate the tablet and clicked on the map, he followed the direction, along the way he had to fight lots of dangerous mermaids and had victory win but as he came to the lair his confidence was gone. it was like the scariest place he has ever seen.


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