
Friday, September 21, 2012

Repost Of The Lousy Tiger Who Made A Lousy Mistake

A long time ago, there lived a poor family. There were three members in that family, a mother a son, and if you can believe it, a cow! After severals years, their cow had many babies and their backyard was filled with them. They sold lots of them and became very rich. They bought buildings, huge houses and even villages.

One day, the old mother cow was delivering something when she suddenly tripped over a rock and broke her ankle. One of the servants told the owner that the cow couldn’t walk anymore because her ankle was broken. The owner didn’t even care, she said “Just go and kill her and cook her, I don’t care about her I have a lot more cows than just her.”  They did this horrible thing, but they didn’t take the cows head because they didn’t really like it. (Remember this little detail because it becomes important later in the story)

In this other village, there was a boy who always went into the jungle after school. On the first day he went a short distance into the jungle. On the second day he went a little further, and on the third day he went deep into the jungle forest and met a tiger.  As odd as this might sound, they became friends. One day the tiger asked, “Can I eat a cow from your village? I heard that they are really tasty.”

The boy said, “It’s too dangerous for you to go there. They will catch you.”

The tiger refused to listen and got stuck in a trap. The boy saved him and then ran into the jungle. The tiger turned suddenly on the boy and said “ Now I’m going to EAT YOU!”

The boy said, “Wait, we will ask three things, and if they agree that you should eat me, then you can. First, they asked a deer.  

The deer said “When an animal sees me, they try to eat me and when a human sees me they try to eat me as well, so I say go ahead and eat him. The second animal that they asked was the head of that cow (I told you to remember this detail)

The cow head said “ I used to be in a poor family and I made them very rich, but when my ankle broke they ate my body, so I say yes, go ahead.

The third animal that they met was a fox. The fox asked if the tiger had been trapped and was told that he was.

“Where was he trapped?”, asked the fox.  The boy took him to the village at night when no one was awake.   The fox asked the tiger to get inside the trap.  “Was the door open or shut?” inquired the fox.

The boy said it was shut so the fox proceeded to close it. The fox then said, “Let me eat him and you go and enjoy yourself.”

The boy asked, “Why are you eating him Mr fox?” “He is a lousy tiger who made a lousy decision, but can’t you forgive him?” said the boy.

“Of course I can,” said the fox, “but only if he doesn’t make that same mistake again”

The tiger promised to never do that again and they lived as friends for the rest of their lives.

                                                  THE END 

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