
Friday, August 3, 2012

Cool Animals

Have you ever seen some really cool animals? Well, if you haven't you might be interested at looking at some. I going to tell you about three, really freaky animals.

This first freaky animal is a fish and it’s called a “angler.” Female anglers have
fishing pole on the top of their heads. At the end of the pole, there is a glowing blob, called an esca. They brings it in front of their mouths so they can see much better when a fish goes by. The sly angler fish whips the esca away and opens its huge mouth, then their pointed, long teeth
slam shuts on its prey.

This second animal is called an “axolotls”. Axolotls may look like a fish, but they are not at all. They are amphibians like frogs are, axolotls are larvae, similar to the tadpole stage in a frogs life cycle. Like some kind of newts and salamanders, axolotls never changes into adults. They breathe through gills as long as they live. Although they have fins, they never swim, they actually walk in the water.

This last animal is called an “armadillo.” Armadillos have very poor eyesight but they have good sense of smell and long claws to dig. Not all armadillos can roll up into a ball because there are many varieties of armadillos, only three kinds of them can. The others, they have a very hard shell to protect them from getting hit by prickly bushes, to hide from predators they dig holes with their sharp, longs claws and hides in there.  

I hope you enjoyed reading this and are having a great time.

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